Package-level declarations


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data class PaymentMean(val id: UUID, val created: Instant, val alias: String, val cardExpiry: YearMonth, val active: Boolean)

Payment Mean data structure

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data class PaymentsOverview(val transactions: List<Transaction>, val totalPages: Int, val currentPage: Int, val isLast: Boolean, val isFirst: Boolean)

Data class describing payments overview

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enum State : Enum<State>

Class represents the current state of the SDK.

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sealed class Token

Interface detailing tokens in Whitelabel Pay

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data class Transaction(val amount: BigDecimal, val currency: String, val transactionTime: Instant, val paymentMeanId: UUID, val maskedIban: String, val bankName: String, val storeName: String, val storeStreet: String, val storeZipCode: String, val storeTown: String, val status: TransactionStatus, val reason: String?)

Data class describing a payment transaction

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Enum class detailing the status of the transaction.

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data class WhitelabelPayConfigurations(val bundleId: String, val merchantId: String, var notificationId: String?, val environment: WhitelabelPayEnvironment, val showErrorLogs: Boolean)

SDK Configuration

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Enum class describing the environment options for accessing WhitelabelPay services